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Tuesday 3 January 2012

Is 2012 going to happen?

Thanks to Stephen Hawking we now know that a black hole exists in the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way. On December 13th 2012 the Earth will come in to perfect alignment between the sun and the centre of the galaxy, this much is true. This alignment will cause the earth to be affected by additional gravity, this is also true. So the theory goes that the additional gravity created by the alignment will knock the earth out of it's orbit, and possibly into the path of a comet BOOM!! There you have your end of days theory.

But the problem with this theory is that the amount of extra gravity that the earth has will be minuscule. plus, this has happened every deceomber 21st for centuries. So that theory goes out the window.

the next theory is the pole shift theory. Apparently the North and South poles are going to shift, and it's going to be dramatic. The last pole shift was about 780,000 years ago and have intervals of about 300,000 years
Such event could really disrupt our planet that’s true. Imagine the North pole and South pole swapping places: Telecommunications, animals, humans, etc. would all be affected and it would be a really important change. There’s only one thing you need to consider… I’ve read in a lot of different places that a polar shift is going to happen on December 21 2012 and it is totally false:
Polar shift is a process that roughly takes 5,000 years to complete and doesn’t start on a specific date and time. The real truth is that nobody knows when the next one is due.

Another Theory is the Mayan calendar. apparently the Mayan calendar ends on december 21st 2012, which is completely false aswell. The Mayans believed  that december 21st is the end of a cycle, not the end of the world. This is because december 21st is the date that the sun aligns with the centre of the milky way, for the first time 26,000 years. So this prophecy is false aswell.

So, I hope i havent been biased or anything but I have given clear evidence that 2012 wont happen. If you want to go into more detail, go to this site:
This is where i got my evidence from. Thanks for reading!

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